
067: Self-Monitoring How We Listen

Hello everyone and welcome to today’s episode, no. 67, the last one for Season Three. I’ll say more about Season Four later at the end of the show. For today, we’re here to demonstrate how better listening creates deeper relationships. We'll see how monitoring ourselves in how we

067: Self-Monitoring How We Listen2021-09-22T12:44:17-05:00

027: When He Asks to Marry Your Daughter

We knew it was coming. Our 22-year-old daughter Jennifer had already told us they were planning to get married.  So the priority mail letter I received from her boyfriend Tim, inviting me to breakfast, was a tip-off the size of Mt. Rushmore.  Here's how this important conversation went down.

027: When He Asks to Marry Your Daughter2021-09-22T11:35:17-05:00

026: When You Don’t Know What to Do

When relationships problems stare us in the face, we sometimes freeze, retreat, and do nothing. Today’s episode suggests another approach for when we just don’t know what to do.

026: When You Don’t Know What to Do2021-09-22T13:23:49-05:00

025: The Toughest Job in America

No matter how difficult our job, there are ways to view our work and daily responsibilities that can bring out the best in us, and draw us closer to God. Listen in to learn how to be encouraged when our 9 – 5 activities are getting us down.

025: The Toughest Job in America2021-09-22T13:14:27-05:00

024: Learning From Our Listeners

There’s a richness to learning together in community. Today’s episode is listeners sharing what they’ve learned so far in this podcast, which will hopefully encourage and stimulate your thinking about relationships.

024: Learning From Our Listeners2021-09-22T12:49:36-05:00

023: Reminding Each Other of Our Own Stories

“The most powerful words in the English language are ‘tell me a story,’” says Pat Conroy. Today’s episode contains two relationship stories that illustrate the power of doing something small that achieves something big.

023: Reminding Each Other of Our Own Stories2021-09-22T11:35:13-05:00
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