Stories & Articles

Blog Articles2021-09-09T13:52:25-05:00


In last week’s email, I mentioned that if you are interested in becoming a better listener, we have quite a few blog posts and podcast episodes on our website that can help you.

Click here to see the list.

As with becoming a better listener, we also have a different t set of podcast episodes and blog posts about family relationships.

If this interests you, click here to see a brief description of those episodes and blog articles. Among other things, you’ll find several interviews I did with guests who share their perspectives on a particular family issue.

Until next time, I wish you all the joy that you can wish.*

John Certalic

You Were Made for This is the podcast sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry.

* The Merchant of Venice, Act III, scene 2

July 24th, 2024|Categories: Blog|


“At the end of the day, nothing matters MORE than relationships.” — John Certalic

The WAIT Listening Principle

July 17th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Hi Reader, A while back, someone who attended a better listening workshop I put on shared some interesting feedback. It had been several years since we met at the workshop, but when I ran into him, he offered this comment - completely out of the blue: “You know, when you were here a few years ago to put on that listening seminar, the thing I remember most is the W.A.I.T. principle you taught us. I think about it all the time when I’m talking with people.” I thought you might like to know...

Listeners Weigh-in About Silence

July 10th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Hi Reader, In last week’s email, I listed several quotes about silence and asked for reader feedback about them. The quote from Mother Theresa drew the most response. "We need to find God; he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence…We need silence to be able to touch souls." Reactions to the Mother Theresa quote Sue from Los Angeles said she...

Silence: An Important Listening Skill

July 3rd, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Hi Reader, In response to one of my recent blog posts about listening, one of our podcast listeners wrote to tell me, “John….I’m sure you know that the words ‘listen’ and ' silent’ are spelled with the same letters.” Yes, I did know this, and I’m grateful for the reminder. It’s taken from a quote by Alfred Brendel. Now, if you don’t know who Alfred Brendel is, I’d be happy to tell you all about him over dinner at your house. Wednesdays work best for me, but I’m flexible. This all reminds me...

“Is That What You Want to Do?”

June 26th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Reader, In last Wednesday’s email I mentioned this quote from Emily P. Freeman, Good listeners can change the world. I know this because they changed mine. I asked you to think of someone who changed your world because they listened to you. I said I would tell you today about a person who changed mine because they listened to me. And what an unlikely person this was: my high school guidance counselor. One day at the beginning of my senior year, Mrs. Roller, someone I had never talked to...

What If We All Did This?

June 5th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Reader, Earlier this spring I read Emily P. Freeman’s latest book, How to Walk into a Room - The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away. I found several inspiring and thought-provoking passages in the book. One in particular stands out that I want to share with you. Here’s what the author has to to say about the subject of listening to each other: When listening to others, what if we were the kind of listeners who take off our shoes in reverence when they trust us with their...

A Different Kind of Memorial Day

May 29th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Hi Reader, If you happen to be an American, I hope your Memorial Day holiday this past Monday was a reflective time for you. It’s important to remember the men and women who died serving our country in battle so we can enjoy the freedom we have. Regardless of your citizenship and where you live around the world, I hope you take time to remember the people in your life who have blessed you in some other way. That’s important, too. I did a podcast episode on this subject a few years ago. You...

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