
114: Learn How to Age Well in 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 114, “Learn how to Age Well in 2021.” Before we get started Several weeks ago a family friend stopped over to our house, and on her way out the door, she said, “Oh, by the way, I listened to your podcast this

114: Learn How to Age Well in 20212021-09-22T13:09:38-05:00

112: Three Ways to Listen Well in 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 112, Three Ways to Listen Well in 2021. When I give workshops on how to listen well I like to give examples of both good and bad listening. I usually use samples of both from Facebook posts or catchy cartoons. But these

112: Three Ways to Listen Well in 20212021-09-22T13:21:21-05:00

060: One Perspective on Stay-At-Home You Probably Haven’t Heard Before

Hello everyone and welcome to today’s episode where today, as always, I’m here to help us consider how we can experience more joy in our relationships. Are you tired of all the coronavirus news? Almost all of which is depressing and negative. Some of which is conflicting information.

060: One Perspective on Stay-At-Home You Probably Haven’t Heard Before2021-09-22T13:15:54-05:00

058: How a Crisis Can Bring Out the Best in Us

Welcome to today’s episode where today we look at several examples of how people are reaching out and caring for each other during our present day global health crisis. Hopefully these stories will inspire you to do the same. I mentioned in last week’s episode, no.57, that a

058: How a Crisis Can Bring Out the Best in Us2021-09-22T13:15:57-05:00

053: An Inconvenient Relationship Reality

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 53 where today I talk about an “inconvenient truth” concerning relationships. I like this term first coined by Al Gore about his view of climate change. Regardless of your view of Al Gore’s comments, there are also inconvenient truths about relationships. Today’s

053: An Inconvenient Relationship Reality2021-09-22T13:10:26-05:00
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