
  • Listen to someone's story

202: The Best Stories

Most of us like a good story. I have found that the best stories are those that draw us in with emotion. They’re usually about relationships and often contain a story within a story. I’ve got one of those for you today that I’m pretty sure you’re going

202: The Best Stories2023-09-25T10:01:48-05:00
  • What kind of friend do you want?

What Kind of Friends Do You Want?

I’ve been reading and hearing more and more about the problem of loneliness many people are experiencing.  For example, here’s what a listener to our You Were Made for This podcast recently wrote: “Now almost 40 years old, I’m so frustrated by the fact that I don’t have any real,

What Kind of Friends Do You Want?2023-03-22T09:19:20-05:00
  • in good relationships people listen to each other

178: Good Relationships in Action

There are so many thoughts about relationships running around in my head lately that I’ve wanted to share with you. They’ve been like little kids scrambling for the candy thrown from 4th of July floats parading down the street. I’ll tell you about a few of them in

178: Good Relationships in Action2022-10-20T18:47:35-05:00
  • Listen to someone's story

159: For an Interesting Conversation Listen to a Missionary

When we listen to a missionary it often causes us to reflect. Does my life have a larger meaning like there’s? Do I see God at work as they do? Listen in to today’s show where we hear the story of a couple who changed the trajectory of

159: For an Interesting Conversation Listen to a Missionary2022-06-04T08:28:07-05:00
  • Q: "What's on your mind?" A: Kids like me fleeing Ukraine

158: What’s On Your Mind?

Asking people “what’s on your mind?,” helps others go beyond sharing news of the superficial events in their life. It deepens relationships. Listen in to learn how.

158: What’s On Your Mind?2022-04-22T19:43:29-05:00
  • One gracious blessing after another

142: One Gracious Blessing After Another

Real joy is seeing Jesus, from the abundance of his grace, release one gracious blessing after another to each of us. We don’t work for any of it because it’s all grace. Listen in to learn how it can happen to you. Have you ever noticed how God

142: One Gracious Blessing After Another2022-01-14T09:07:57-06:00
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