
208: Christmas – A Time to Reflect

There are many cultural dimensions to all that is Christmas. Pick your favorite. I have a few that I look forward to every year. But as I get older, I’m seeing Christmas more as a great time to reflect on my relationship with Jesus. In Luke’s gospel, for

208: Christmas – A Time to Reflect2023-12-16T17:52:22-06:00
  • like wild flowers. we bloom and die

201: Three Relationship Tools to Remember in September

Hello everyone, I’m back!  To start season 8 of this podcast we’re going to talk about three relationship tools we can use to become better listeners this fall to deepen our relationships.

201: Three Relationship Tools to Remember in September2023-08-30T11:32:35-05:00
  • Little things matter in relationships

164: Little Things That Matter in Relationships

One thing that deepens relationships is doing the little things that matter. You see it in people who observe, reflect, and then act. Listen in to today’s episode for an example. John Gottman writes in The Relationship Cure that based on his research Successful marriages are characterized by

164: Little Things That Matter in Relationships2022-06-13T14:13:08-05:00
  • remember people who make our life better

160: Remember the People Who Made Our Life Better

When we remember the people who made our life better it reminds us of the goodness of God who blessed us with these relationships. It’s a way to celebrate Memorial Day in addition to what we traditionally do. Listen in to learn how.

160: Remember the People Who Made Our Life Better2022-06-08T07:56:02-05:00

132: Three Unusual Blessings to Be Thankful For

We enrich our lives when we pause to observe and reflect upon our experiences. We’ll then more easily notice the blessings to be thankful for. Even blessings that we rarely consider. That's what today's episode is all about.

132: Three Unusual Blessings to Be Thankful For2021-11-01T19:18:39-05:00
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