
032: What Am I Here For? What is My Purpose in Life?

Hello everyone and welcome to Season Two, and episode 32, What am I here for? What is my purpose in life? It’s great to be back with you after a summer off from podcasting. I enjoyed the weekly blogs, certainly, but I enjoy the podcasts even more. To

032: What Am I Here For? What is My Purpose in Life?2021-09-22T12:49:33-05:00

A Listening Mistake

A missionary and You Were Made for This listener texted me recently. “Did you ever hit times where you were tired of ‘worrying about your kids? I’m at that point this morning.” I responded with “Sometimes its hard to turn off the worry, isn’t it?” The listener wrote back: “Yes

A Listening Mistake2019-12-21T11:23:03-06:00

7 ways to listen better

In workshops I give  about building better relationships, a key module I cover is listening. It’s one of my favorite subjects. I love to talk about listening. I sometimes read the “Please Listen” poem you can see below.  It’s a bit dated, as you can tell from the reference to

7 ways to listen better2019-08-11T08:06:05-05:00

The Neglected Relationship Right in Front of Us

There’s one relationship we all have that’s often neglected. It’s our relationship with our self. To relate well with our self  is to be self-aware, and to every now and then ask, “Am I truly the person I think I am?” The Apostle Paul speaks to this in Romans 12:3

The Neglected Relationship Right in Front of Us2019-08-06T18:15:50-05:00

The One Thing I Did Not Forget

I found a relationship poem in a leadership book I came across a number of years ago. I forgot everything else I read in that book, except the poem entitled “Threads.” Odd, isn’t it? A poem about leadership? To be a poet of any worth one needs to be a

The One Thing I Did Not Forget2019-07-25T16:54:45-05:00

Something So Simple

Janet and I always look forward to our missionary friends from South America coming into town every three years or so on their home assignment. We’ve known this couple for decades; decades they’ve spent planting and supporting tribal churches along the Amazon River in Brazil. While at lunch with them

Something So Simple2019-07-24T09:12:57-05:00
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