In the past dew episodes I’ve been talking about how I tracked down my birth father and met him for the first… and last time in my life. You’ll find links to those episodes at the bottom of the show notes. Today’s show concludes this painful chapter in my life by focusing on a larger relational and spiritual principle that applies to all of us. Namely, sometimes in our difficulties God will surprise us in unusual ways to remind us he is still working for our good and for his glory. (more…)
“At the end of the day, nothing matters MORE than relationships.” — John Certalic
208: Christmas – A Time to Reflect
There are many cultural dimensions to all that is Christmas. Pick your favorite. I have a few that I look forward to every year. But as I get
207: How to Help the People We Love At Christmas
In the 1947 classic Christmas film It’s a Wonderful Life!, George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart, goes through a tough time during Christmas in dealing with two serious
206: Thankful for the Stories of Others
The Thanksgiving holiday will soon be upon us here in the US, so I’ve been reflecting on what I’m thankful for. And this year I’m thinking about things
205: How to Have a Meaningful Conversation
To deepen our current relationships, or to develop new ones, it’s helpful to ask ourselves an important question. Namely, “How do I have a meaningful conversation with someone?”
204: Deep Conversations
Do you ever long for a deep conversation with someone? Today’s episode is about a creative measure someone took to make that happen. It reveals what many of
203: Three Reasons for Being Stingy in Sharing Your Story
There’s a school of thought out there that says to make friends it’s important to be vulnerable by sharing your story. Some call it “being authentic.” Yet it’s
202: The Best Stories
Most of us like a good story. I have found that the best stories are those that draw us in with emotion. They’re usually about relationships and often
201: Three Relationship Tools to Remember in September
Hello everyone, I’m back! To start season 8 of this podcast we’re going to talk about three relationship tools we can use to become better listeners this fall
200: Give People the Gift of Hope
One relationship principle I’ve come to appreciate over time is the power of giving people the gift of hope when they have so little of it themselves. It’s
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